Commetnary Update for April 29, 2002: Chuck Carlson, Kathy Falk, Critical Mass Award, Gov Benefits, Financial Literacy

Dear Commentary Watchers:

This week Commentary is the "best damn sports show in the Fox Valley, period" with guest Oshkosh Northwestern Assistant Sports Editor Chuck Carlson. Chuck wrote for the Appleton Post Crescent from 1990-2001, moved to Jackson, Michigan for 6 months, then came back to the Fox Valley to write for the Northwestern. We talk about why the Brewers are so awful, why the Bucks season fell apart, what's in store for the Packers this year, and a variety of other topics. At various points in the show Mr. Mather wears a Brewer, Hoosier, and Packer cap.

Next week's guest will be Kathy Falk, Dane County Executive and Democratic candidate for governor. She's just been endorsed by Emily's List, the pro-choice outfit that floods lots of $$$ into races where they feel the candidate has a shot to win. Emily's list claims to have helped elect, in their 17 year history, 4 women governors, 11 women US Senators, and 53 women members of the House of Representatives. Here's a link to their press release announcing support for Falk (read it and weep, Jim Doyle, Tom Barrett, Gary George):

In other news, students in my First Amendment class are doing analyses of websites dealing with free speech issues. One student is analyzing a site called "critical mass." It's run by a fellow named Bill Darling, who gives out "awards" to websites that he feels represent the "critical mass" of material on the web that should be read. I submitted the Commentary site to him and here's what he wrote back:

Hi Tony,

Congratulations!!......Your site definitely qualifies
for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, good
design, tasteful graphics, great photos, and you have provided
your visitors with content that is informative, entertaining,
presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a
positive contribution to the Web.

Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting,
useful and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my
visit to your site and will return again when time permits :)

The Award logo is being sent as an attachment to this note.
You can also find it and others, including an animated version
See below for the code.
Your site should be posted on the "Winners List" today.

Cheers,...Bill Darling


If you read the Washington post today, you know that the feds have started a new site called The site is designed to help people discover what government benefits they might be eligible for. Here's the link:

Finally, take a look at this press release from Wisconsin's Department of Financial Institutions and ask yourself this: can our 12th graders knowledge of finance be any _worse_ than our reps in Madison?

