Commentary Update for March 25, 2002: Board Candidates Summary, Barrett at Robbins, Library Fees, Norton report, STEP Now, Rogers on Taxes

Dear Commentary Fans:

This week's show features School Board candidates Ben Schneider II and Ted Sehmer, the two NOT endorsed by the Oshkosh Northwestern on Sunday. I tried to come up with a summary of the views of the 4 candidates on a series of issues that were brought up by Mr. Mather and I. Here's the summary:

In other news, Jim and I interviewed US Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Tom Barrett last Friday. The interview will be broadcast the week of April 15. After the interview, Barrett met with a group of Fox Valley officials at Robbins Restaurant. Here's some coverage of that meeting:

As most of you know, there are some members of the state legislature, including at least one in the Fox Valley, who think that public libraries should have the option to start charging fees for services. Here's an interesting editorial from the Racine Journal Times on that topic.

Winnebago County supervisor Mike Norton consistently writes up reports for his peers on the board whenever he travels out of state to a county government function. Here's his report on what he heard at the National Association of Counties (NACO) conference in Washington recently:

Those of you in Winnebago County know that board recently voted 20-16 to allow rezoning of land in the town of Utica for an ethanol plant. Members of Stop the Ethanol Plant Now (STEP NOW) are not happy. Check out their website:

Finally, UW law professor Joel Rogers has written some excellent op-eds on the state's budget mess. In his latest piece, he argues that the problem cannot be solved without someone having the guts to introduce the "T" word:

On April 1, Jim and I will be interviewing Libertarian canidate for governor Ed Thompson. Yep, he's Tommy's brother. Anyone have any suggestions as to what questions we should ask him? Please email your suggestions to me or Jim (

