Commentary Update for February 21, 2002: Jim Young Interview, COWS on Winnebago, Palmeri on Indian Logo

Friends of Commentary:

Next Monday Jim Mather and I will interview Steve Hintz (incumbent) and Frank Tower (challenger), candidates in this year's Oshkosh Common Council election. Many thanks to those of you who have commented on this week's show featuring candidates Paul Esslinger and Steve Bender.

Our student director, Shane Borger, is working very hard to eliminate the audio and other technical problems we are having. If you get a chance to see the show from the beginning, you'll notice that we now have a new introduction with new visuals and upbeat jazz music. Many thanks to Shane and former director Nicole Grundtner for creating the new introduction.

Some materials that you might find interesting on the website:

*An interview with Green Party candidate for Governor Jim Young:
I plan to email similar questions to the other candidates--I started with Young because his campaign is being almost totally ignored by the "respectable" media.

Mr. Mather is working very hard to arrange interview with all of the gubernatorial candidates. Today, Libertarian Party candidate Ed Thompson's (Tommy's brother) staff told us that Mr. Thompson will join us for an interview on April 1.

Commentary is completely nonpartisan and will not endorse any candidates for governor or any office.

*The Center on Wisconsin Strategy ( as part of their Sustaining Wisconsin project has been studying the condition of all Wisconsin Counties. This week they released their findings as regards our own Winnebago County:

*After listening to one local politician talk about the Indian logo at Oshkosh West in a manner that sounded like the dictionary definition of "yahoo," I decided had to throw my 2 cents into the fray. Here's an op-ed that will appear in the Northwestern in the near future:

