Commentary Update for January 15, 2002: Norton Forum, Rylance Critiques Commentary, Photo Archive, Civil Liberties


Winnebago County District #20 Supervisor Mike Norton has organized an elected official forum to be held on Monday, January 28 at 7 p.m. at the James Coughlin building (County Rd. A). State Representative Gregg Underheim, State Representative Dean Kaufert, and State Senator Carol Roessler will participate. The major topic will be the State's budget deficit and how it should be addressed. Supervisor Norton asked me to moderate the forum and I said sure. The event is free and open to the public.

As many of you will recall, I ran against Representative Underheim in 1996. He claims that Norton has changed the ground rules of the January 28 forum that were originally agreed to, and he does not trust that I am able to be a "neutral" moderator. The link below will take you to Underheim's letter to Norton along with an e-mail trail of Norton's correspondence with the elected officials:

In other news, Dan Rylance has provided Mr. Mather and I with a detailed critique of Commentary:

We welcome such critiques!

There are now a variety of photos on the Commentary web site which can be found here:

In this particular photo, I cannot remember the name of the person standing to my immediate right, as well as the woman and the person standing on her left. If any of you know who they are, please let me know!

Finally, a word about civil liberties. As you know, concerns about the civil liberties implications of the current war on terror have been expressed by a variety of individuals and groups from the right (e.g. William Safire) to the left (e.g. Ralph Nader). This editorial from the San Francisco Chronicle identifies what appears to be a major attempt by the Justice Department to dilute the Freedom of Information Act:

Looking forward to seeing many of you at the January 28th forum.
