Commentary Update for November 16, 2001: Palmeri/Schmidt, McGee On Debt, Letter Archive

Dear Commentary Followers:

Jim Mather has taken a trip to Italy, leaving me all alone this week on Commentary. Since lots of viewers have told me that I should take a turn at being a guest, I decided Mather's trek to Rome might provide a good opportunity to do that. So, I asked Commentary reporter Dan Rylance to serve as host this week, and we invited Cumulus radio's Jeff Schmidt (an outspoken conservative) to represent the "Right" while I represented the "Left."

Jeff and I ended up getting into some good clashes on everything from Social Security to airline safety to local issues. Dan did an outstanding job of keeping the discussion focused and moving. I must say that it felt strange being in the guest seat!

You may recall in the last e-mail message the links I sent to essays by Oshkosh Common Councilor Steve Hintz and I on the city's debt ratio. I asked former councilor (and UW Oshkosh economics professor) Kevin McGee to offer his take. Here it is:

Commentary gets a good amount of letters for a cable access show, though I would like to have many more to put on the website. Here is the current archive:
Please do consider submitting something. Believe me, it will get a decent-sized readership and will be seen by quite a few "influential" people in town.

Commentary will not tape a show next week because our crew will off on Thanksgiving break. On November 30 we will interview State Senator Gary George, a Democratic candidate for governor.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone. I know it sounds hackneyed, but when you consider all of the pain and misery in the world, those of us lucky enough to read this message have lots to be thankful for.
