Commentary Update for November 9, 2001: Mark Rogacki (WCA), Lemmer FOCUS, Oshkosh Debt, Hintz on Debt, RTF Telethon

Dear Commentarians:

This week's show will feature Mark Rogacki, the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Counties Association ( Mark has more than 30 years of experience working with County government, and in the interview he does a very good job of explaining the financial difficulties currently facing Wisconsin's 72 counties.

There are some items on the web site that you might find interesting. After last Tuesday's referendum election, I e-mailed a few questions to Jim Lemmer, Chair of For Our Children United We Stand (FOCUS), the main group supporting passage of the questions. Jim's responses are here:

On last week's show, Bob Jungwirth got me thinking about Oshkosh's debt problem. Here's what I have to say about it:

Common Councilor Steve Hintz, who had nothing to say about our current Mayor's attempt to "nail to the cross" an individual whose web site he found disagreeable (which is why I consider Steve to be one of the "Silent Six"; see, has lots to say about the debt. After reading Steve's response to me, I now understand that the debt only "looks bad". Gee, how could I have been so stupid! Here's Steve's response:

Finally, on Saturday the UW Oshkosh Radio/TV/Film students will be holding a telethon on Titan-TV to raise money for some very worthwhile causes. The telethon begins at 2 p.m. Please support this effort. Mr. Mather will be live on air from 7 to 8 p.m.

Have a great weekend everyone!
