TIF I Were A Rich Man


[Note: The "professional government" in Oshkosh is enamored of "Tax Incremental Financing" (TIF) as a means of economic development. A recent story in the Oshkosh Northwestern indicated the existence of 18 TIF districts in Oshkosh, with the city administration concluding that they have been "successful." I got to thinking that a perfect theme song for the city of Oshkosh "professional government" would be an updated version of "If I Were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof. Giving tax breaks to the wealthy and justifying it to the population at large in the name of "progress" and "growth" is exactly the kind of Czarist sham the people of Anatevka (the small Russian village that Fiddler takes place in) confronted in the year 1905. The poor protagonist Tevye (Zero Mostel) could only dream of getting the special treatment reserved for the inside power brokers, a situation not substantially different from that existing in the majority of American municipalities today.] -Tony Palmeri

TIF I were a rich man
Oshkosh city fathers would give me tax breaks 
daidle deedle daidle very dum
All year long I'd get corporate welfare biddy biddy bum
TIF I were a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work hard
Oshkosh city fathers would have special closed meetings just for me 
daidle deedle daidle very dum
TIF I were a biddy biddy rich
Deedle daidle deedle daidle man
TIF I were rich I'd have the time that I lack
To sit in the City Manager's office from June to May
And always have a seat in the City Hall
And I'd never have to open my financial books
For  the "professional government" men
Who'd suck up to me seven hours every day
That could be the sweetest thing of all
The most important men in City Hall
Will come to fawn on me
In closed Executive Session they will ask me to advise them
Like a Boss Tweed the wise
"If you please Reb Tevye,
Pardon me Reb Tevye"
Posing problems that would cross
The City Manager's eyes
And it won't make one bit of difference
If I answer right or wrong
When you're rich,
The Oshkosh Common Council thinks you really know
TIF I were a rich man
Oshkosh city fathers would give me tax breaks 
daidle deedle daidle very dum
All year long I'd get corporate welfare biddy biddy bum
TIF I were a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work hard
Oshkosh city fathers would have special closed meetings just for me 
daidle deedle daidle very dum
TIF I were a biddy biddy rich
Deedle daidle deedle daidle man
TIF I were a rich man
Daidle deedle daidle deedle daidle very dum
City Fathers about the little guy do not give a damn
You decreed I should be what I am
Would I have more clout in your good old boy city plan
If I were a wealthy man?


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