Interactive Graphic Design


Project One

Project Two

Project Three

Project Four


Citation Generator

Robert Saluda's Pop-Ups

The Pop-Up Channel

Fold Factory YouTube Channel

Elements of Pop-Up

UWO Annual Report

Annual Reports
Outreach International
General Motors
LA's Best

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This course will explore advanced projects in publication design for both print and digital applications. We will complete projects that explore user experience, format, workflow, layers, and interactivity. Our main tool for exploration will be Adobe InDesign’s Digital Publishing Suite, which will allow us to adapt traditional print layouts to interactive formats, in addition to creating original digital content for the iPad.

Questions we will explore: How does our understanding of traditional page design translate to interactive formats? What new tools and hierarchies are required for mobile applications? How do these tools of interactivity enhance or detract from the user’s experience? How is unity in design achieved when the format adapts to the user’s particular situation?