Tutoring begins on Monday, September 17th

You can meet with a Geology Tutor on: (In Room 114 of Harrington Hall)


Lecture Syllabus
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Eric Hiatt's Home Page
Geology Department
Monday from 5:30-7:30 PM
Tuesday from 5:30-7:30 PM
Wednesday from 5:30-7:30 PM

OR you can also meet with tutors at the Center for Academic Resources (CAR).


"The Center for Academic Resources (CAR) provides free, confidential tutoring for students in most undergraduate classes on campus. CAR is located in the Student Success Center, Suite 102. Check the Tutor List page on CAR's website (www.uwosh.edu/car) for a list of tutors. If your course is not listed, click on a link to request one, stop by SSC 102 or call 424-2290. To schedule a tutoring session, simply email the tutor, let him/her know what class you are seeking assistance in, and schedule a time to meet. Tutoring takes place in SSC 102."