Review for Lab Exam 2 (week of October 20, 2014)

This exam will begin at the beginning of lab and will include questions from the Igneous and Sedimentary rock labs.

The lab will be open for review during tutor times, and some additional times so that you can review the rocks and minerals.

Maps and topography:

Igneous Rocks:

1) Given an igneous rock sample*, you should be able to answer the following:

*Note: You should be able to answer these questions for any igneous rock we give you, even if you’ve never seen that particular rock sample before. The samples for this portion of the exam will not necessarily be exactly the same as the ones you saw in lab.

Extra coarse grained
granite pegmatite
Coarse grained
porphyritic rhyolite
porphyritic andesite
Fine grained
If a rock is vesicular, you must include “vesicular” in the name of the rock (e.g. vesicular basalt)
Obsidian does not have any minerals (it is made of volcanic glass). As a consequence it does not fit into this chart. Pumice also is mostly glass and is also difficult to place in this chart. You must be able to identify obsidian and pumice, but you will not have to answer questions about their composition (felsic, intermediate, mafic).

Sedimentary Rocks:

**Note: You should be able to answer these questions for any sedimentary rock we give you, even if you’ve never seen the rock before. The samples for this portion of the exam will not necessarily be exactly the same as the ones you examined in lab.

You should also be able to identify the sedimentary rocks. The key to identifying sedimentary rocks is to know how to classify them (see below). Do not just try to memorize what they look like!

Clastic Sedimentary Rocks:  classified 1st by size, 2nd by mineral content or roundness (when applicable)

Biochemical and Chemical Rocks: classified by composition, typically composed of just one mineral. Identify the rock by identifying which mineral it’s made of, or by recognizing special features such as fossils or ooids.

Chemical Rocks:

Biochemical Rocks:


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