Traducciones usando las expresiones idiomáticas con subjuntivo: por+adj+que, por+adv+que, que yo sepa, cueste lo que cueste, quieras o no quieras, puedas o no puedas


1. No matter how much you hurry, you will not arrive on time

2. No matter how much you hurry, you never arrive on time

3. No matter how pretty Alicia may be, Juana will be Miss Universe

4. As far as I know, Puerto Rico is warm even in winter

5. As far as I know, Donald Trump is still very rich

6. No matter how much it may cost, I will go to Europe after my graduation

7. No matter how much it may cost, my parents will buy me a car.

8. Whatever happens, don’t tell Lucía the truth.

9. Whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you

10. Whether you be willing or not, Susana will go to Jamaica.

11. Whether you be willing or not, we will take your car.