From the Politics of Aristotles

He who thus considers things in their first growth and origin, whether a state or anything else, will obtain the clearest view of them. In the first place there must be a union of those who cannot exist without each other; namely, of male and female, that the race may continue (and this is a union which is formed, not of deliberate purpose, but because, in common with other animals and with plants, mankind have a natural desire to leave behind them an image of themselves), and of natural ruler and subject, that both may be preserved. For that which can foresee by the exercise of mind is by nature intended to be lord and master, and that which can with its body give effect to such foresight is a subject, and by nature a slave; hence master and slave have the same interest. Now nature has distinguished between the female and the slave. For she is not niggardly, like the smith who fashions the Delphian knife for many uses; she makes each thing for a single use, and every instrument is best made when intended for one and not for many uses. But among barbarians no distinction is made between women and slaves, because there is no natural ruler among them: they are a community of slaves, male and female. Wherefore the poets say,



Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda

     Sepulveda, a distinguished scholar of Aristotle, was

official historian of the Spanish crown.  In 1547 he wrote The

Second Democrates to defend the Spanish Conquest of the Americas.

He used the substance of that argument when he debated Bartolome

de Las Casas three years later.


Bartolomé de Las Casas

     The Dominican friar was his era's most outspoken critic of

the Conquest.


Superior Spanish


The man rules over the woman, the adult over his children.

That is to say, the most powerful and most perfect rule over the

weakest and most imperfect.  The same relationship exists among

men, there being some who by nature are masters and others who by

nature are slaves.

Those who surpass the rest in prudence and intelligence,

although not in physical strength, are by nature the masters.  On

the other hand, those who are dim-witted and mentally lazy,

although they may be physically strong enough to fulfill all the

necessary tasks, are by nature slaves.

 It is just and useful that it be this way.  We even see it

sanctioned in the Book of Proverbs: "He who is stupid will serve

the wise man" [11:29].

And so it is with the barbarous and inhumane peoples [the

Indians] who have no civil life and peaceful customs.  It will

always be just and in conformity with natural law that such

people submit to the rule of the more cultured and humane princes

and nations.  Thanks to their virtues and the practical wisdom of

their laws, the latter [the Spanish] can destroy barbarism and

educate these people to a more humane and virtuous life.  And if

the latter [the Indians] reject such rule, it can be imposed upon

them by force of arms.  Such a war will be just, according to

natural law....

Barbaric Indians

Until now we have mentioned their impious religion and their

abominable sacrifices, in which they worship the Devil as God, to

whom they thought of offering no better tribute than human

hearts...They placed these hearts on their abominable altars.

With this ritual they believed that they had appeased their gods.

They also ate the flesh of sacrificed men.

War against these barbarians can be justified not only on

the basis of their paganism but even more so because of their

abominable licentiousness, their prodigious sacrifice of human

victims, the extreme harm that they inflicted on innocent

persons, their horrible banquets of human flesh, and the impious

cult of their idols....

Merciful force

 Since the evangelical law of the New Testament is more

perfect and more gentle than the Mosiac law of the Old Testament,

so also wars are now waged with more mercy and clemency.  Their

purpose is not so much to punish as to correct evils.

What is more appropriate and beneficial for these barbarians

than to become subject to the rule those whose wisdom, virtue,

and religion have converted them from barbarism into civilized

men (insofar as they are capable of becoming so), from being

torpid and licentious to becoming servants of the Devil to

becoming believers of the true God?

For these barbarians, our rule ought to be even more

advantageous than for our Spaniards, since virtue, humanity, and

the true religion are more valuable than gold or silver.  And if

they refuse our rule, they may be compelled by force of arms to

accept it.  Such a war will be just according to natural law.

Human equality


There are no races in the world, however rude, uncultivated,

barbarous, gross, or almost brutal they may be, who cannot be

persuaded and brought to a good order and way of life....

     Thus, the entire human race is one; all men are alike with

respect to their creation and the things of nature, and none is

born already taught.  And so we all have the need, from the

beginning, to be guided and helped by those who have been born


Thus, when some very rustic peoples are found in the world,

they are like untilled land, which easily produces worthless

weeds and thorns, but has within itself so much natural power

that when it is plowed and cultivated it gives useful and

wholesome fruits....

Noble Indians

All the races of the world have understanding and will, and

that which results from these two faculties in man--that is, free

choice.  And consequently, all have the power and ability or be instructed, persuaded, and attracted to order

and reason and laws and virtue and all goodness.

They are very apt to receive our holy Catholic faith, to be

endowed with virtuous customs, and to behave in a godly fashion.

And once they begin to hear the tidings of the faith, they are so

insistent on knowing more...that truly, the missionaries who are

here need to be endowed by God with great patience to endure such

eagerness.  Some of the secular Spaniards who have been here for

many years say that the goodness of the Indians is undeniable,

and that is this gifted people could be brought to know the one

true God, they would be the most fortunate people in the world.

A method contrary to the one we have been defending would be

the  following: Pagans should first be subjected, whether they

wished to be or not, to the rule of Christian people, and that

once they were subjected, organized preaching would follow.

     But if the pagans find themselves first injured, oppressed,

saddened, and afflicted by the misfortunes of wars, through loss

of their children, their gods, and their own can

they be moved voluntarily to listen to what is proposed to them

about faith, religion, justice, and truth...?

Merciful persuasion

The one and only method of teaching men the true religion

was established by Divine Providence for the whole world, and for

all times: that is, by persuading the understanding through

reasons, and by gently attracting or exhorting his will.

Divine Wisdom moves rational creatures, that is, men, to

their actions or operates gently....Therefore, the method of

teaching men the true religion ought to be gentle, enticing, and

pleasant.  This method is by persuading the understanding and by

attracting the will.

Hearers, especially pagans, should understand that the

preachers of the faith have no intention of acquiring power over


Preachers should be slow themselves so mild and humble,

courteous and...good-willed that the hearers eagerly wish to

listen and hold their teaching in greater reverence.

     [Preachers must] posses that same love of charity by which

Paul was accustomed to love men in the world that they might be

saved: "You are witnesses and God also, how holy and just and

blameless was our conduct towards you who have believed."