Spanish 201

Spring Semester

Prof. Rocío Cortés
Office: Ridgley 402
Office hours: MWF from 11-12
Tel. 935-5002
Web page:

Course supervisor: Prof. Eloísa Palafox (Office: Ridgley 402) Office hours: Monday 1:00-2:30 and Wednesday 1:00-2:30. Tel: 935-5002. If none answers, please leave a voice mail message or use e-mail (


Spanish 201 has two components equally important: a masters-class (M,W,F) and a practice section (T,TH). Both components involve an integration of the four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Through this integrated apporach, you will participate in a practical application of vocabulary, grammar and culture. The course includes some writing in the form of short compositions, and emphasizes mastery of language skills through specific contexts and "dialogical situations." It is meant for students who have taken Spanish 101/102 sequence at this university or those who have placed beyond the elementary level according to standard testing.


Bretz, Mary Lee, et. al. Pasajes: Lengua. Cuarta Edición.
                                 Pasajes: Cultura.Cuarta Edición.
                                 Pasajes: Literatura. Cuarta Edición.
                                 Pasajes: Cuaderno de práctica. Cuarta Edición.


By the end of this course you should have reached the following goals:
*sharpened your ability to use Spanish in everyday situations.
*strengthened your ability to communicate thoughts on topics of general interests, orally and in writing.
*developed your ability to understand the language as it is spoken in different places of the world.
*increased your ability to read texts of general interests (Cultura) and literature in modern Spanish (Literatura).
*become sensitive to some of the issues and problems of life in contemporary Spanish-speaking countries.
*improved your active and passive vocabulary.


Students are expected to participate actively in all activities proposed by the instructor.


This course meets Monday through Friday. Daily attendance is required. There are no language laboratory requirements. Classes start at precisely seven minutes after the hour. Please be prompt. Should an absence be unavoidable, make every effort to let your teacher kinow in advance (students may leave messages by calling the main office of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures: 5-5175).


Each unexcused absence, after the first two, counts as a -1%, which will be deducted from the participation grade.

All compositions should be handed in, and all exams should be taken on the days scheduled on this Syllabus.

Please notice that in order to be officialy excused for missing classes and/or not taking exams or submitting compositions on the days scheduled on this Syllabus, a written justification from either the doctor or the Dean should be presented to the instructor. In the event of absence (excused or not excused), it is the student's resposibility to contact either the instructor or another member of the class in order to find out which are the assignments and materials to be prepared and studied for the following day(s).

Regardless of the nature of their absences, students will be held responsible for all work missed, as well as for that which is due the following class (including preparation for exams).


Homework assignmets are to be prepared in advance in writing, as indicated by the instructor. Every effort will be made to cover as much material as possible. However, given the specific time limits of the course, some activities might not be covered in class. Because Spanish 201 is a five- credit course, the workload reflects this: there will be a fair amount of homework and preparation each day, so make sure to keep up with all assignments.


To guarantee maximum use of in-class time the students are required to come to class having carefully read and reviewed at home the grammar points and/or vocabulary that are going to be presented in class according to this Syllabus: the master class instructor will be counting on this, and his main job will be to clarify doubts, exceptions and difficult cases. The students who decide not to comply with this requirement should not hold their instructors responsible for their lacking of understanding.


In this course there will be three scheduled written exams, various unannounced quizzes, six mandatory compositions and a final cumulative exam with an oral component which will be administered earlier.


There will be no make-up quizzes or exams, and compositions will not be received later than the day they are due, except in the event of illness or emergency, for which a written excuse will be required.


-There will be a total of 6 compositions.
-In order to obtain an official grade on them, that will count towards the final grade, they all need to be rewritten once.
-The final grade on each one of the 6 compositions will be an average of the two grades obtained on the first and the second versions.
-Both first and second versions should be typed and double-spaced, with one inch margins on all sides and a 12 points font.
-Compositions #1, #2, #3 should be between 14 and 16 lines long.
-Compositons #4, #5, #6 should be between 25 and 27 lines long.

-Class participation, homework and pop quizzes will be evaluated and graded by both instructors (10% each).
-Written exams (partials and final) will be graded by your master-class instructor.
-Compositions (first and second versions) and the final oral exam will be graded by your practice section instructor.


Specific consultation hours will be posted by all instructors as soon as their schedules are worked out. Students are strongly encouraged to seek help from their instructors as frequently as needed. The sooner a problem is discussed and clarified, the easier it will be to resolve.


Each activity is assigned a percentage of the final grade, according to the following table:
Participation, homework and pop-quizzes:
Master Class        10%
Practice section    10%
Compositions (6)   15%
Written exams (3)  40%
Final exam:
Oral                       5%
Written                   20%
Total                     100%

All grading will be expressed in numbers from 1 to 100, with the exception of the final grade for the course, which will be recorded as a letter. The conversion will be done according to the following list. Please note that consulting the list during the semester will always give you and idea of your standing as far as letter grades are concerned.

100-97 A+
96-93  A
92-90  A-
89-87  B+
86-83  B
82-80  B-
79-77  C+
76-73  C
72-70  C-
69-67  D+
66-63  D
62-60  D-
59 and below F



The characters in italics indicate
-The grammar points and the vocabulary that you should read and carefully review at home before coming to class on the day they are scheduled.
-The non changeable dates on which you are required to hand in the first and second versions of your 6 compositions.
-The non changeable dates of the 3 partial exams.
-The non changeable date of the final written exam.
EACH INSTRUCTOR will assign the rest of the exercises, readings and activities that you MUST PREPARE AT HOME before coming to class the following time that you are going to meet with him or her. This means that all the homework assignmets fo MWF are to be prepared for MWF and all the homework assignmets for T&TH are to be prepared for T&TH.


NO HOMEWORK, NO EXAMS: In order to have the right to present the three partial exams and the final exam you are required to come to both the master class and the practice session having prepared beforehand all the homework assignmets. If in any given period between exams your instructors notice that you have missed more than three homework assignments, your master class instructor will not allow you to take the corresponding exam and your grade for it will be a "cero."


LECCIONES #1, #2, #3

Master class readings, from Jan 11-Feb 19:
"Los esterotipos culturales" (Cultura pp. 8-13).
"El pueblo español" (Cultura pp. 22-27).

Practice session readings, from Jan 12-Feb 18:
"Cuyana" Parte I (Literatura pp. 28-35).
"Cuyana" Parte II (Literatura pp. 35-43).




Lunes 11        Presentaciones. Entrega de Syllabus. Aclaraciones sobre el programa.
Martes 12      Vocabulario de la Lección I
Miércoles 13   Género y número (Lengua pp. 13-15).
Jueves 14      Repasar Vocabulario de la Lección I.
Viernes 15      Concordancia (Lengua pp.16-18)
Lunes 18      No hay clases
Martes 19        Repaso de género y número/concordancias.
Miércoles 20    Ser y estar (Lengua pp. 21-25).
Jueves 21      Repaso de ser y estar.
                      (Ejercicio en clase para preparar la composición I)
Viernes 22      Pronombres personales y presente del indicativo (Lengua pp. 27-30).
Lunes 25      Objetos directos (Lengua 34-36).
Martes 26      Entregar la primera composición.


Miércoles 27     Objetos indirectos (Lengua pp. 51-52). Vocabulario de la lección 2.
Jueves 28      Repasar vocabulario de la Lección 2. Repaso de objetos directos e indirectos.
                       (El instructor devolverá la primera composición corregida con la primera nota).
Viernes 29      Objetos indirectos + objetos directos (Lengua pp. 56-57).


Lunes 1          Imperfecto del indicativo (Lengua pp. 61-62).
Martes 2         Entregar al instructor la composición I reescrita.
                      Repaso de objetos indirectos y directos.
Miércoles 3     Repaso del imperfecto del indicativo.
Jueves 4         Repaso del imperfecto del indicativo.
                        (El instructor devolverá la composición I corregida con la segunda nota).
                         (Ejercicio en clase para preparar la composición 2).
Viernes 5        "Se" impersonal (Lengua pp. 47-48.
Lunes 8           Estructuras reflexivas (Lengua pp. 66-68).
Martes 9          Entregar al instructor la composición 2
                       Repaso de "se" impersonal, "se" pasivo y estructuras reflexivas.
Miércoles 10     Gustar y similares (Lengua pp. 71-72).


Jueves 11         Vocabulario de la lección 3. Repaso de gustar y similares.
                          (El instructor devolverá la composición 2 corregida con la primera nota).
Viernes 12        Pretéritos regulares e irregulares (Lengua pp. 83-85). Repaso del vocabulario de la lección 3.
Lunes 15          Hacer + tiempo (Lengua pp. 89-90).
Martes 16            Entregar al instructor la composición 2 reescrita.
Miércoles 17     Pretérito e imperfecto (Lengua pp. 93-96).
Jueves 18          Repaso del pretérito e imperfecto.
                          (El instructor devolverá la composición 2 corregida con la segunda nota).
Viernes 19        Pronombres relativos "que" y "quien" (Lengua pp. 104-106).
                        Repaso para el Examen I.
Lunes 22           Examen I

LECCIONES #4,#5,#6

Master class readings, from Feb. 24-Mar.26:
"El pueblo hispanoamericano." (Cultura pp. 28-36).
"El ambiente urbano: problemas y soluciones." (Cultura pp. 85-90).

Practice session readings, from Feb. 23-Mar. 25:
"El nieto" (Literatura pp. 64-72).
"Tesis" (Literatura pp. 95-103).


Martes 23            Vocabulario de la lección 4
Miércoles 24         Presente del subjuntivo (Lengua pp.121-125). Repaso del vocabulario de la lección 4.
Jueves 25             Entregar al instructor la composición 3
                              Repaso del presente del subjuntivo.
Viernes 26               Imperativos formales (Lengua pp. 117-118).


Lunes 1-Viernes 5    Vacaciones de primavera.
Lunes 8                Imperativos informales (Lengua pp. 131-133).
Martes 9               Repaso de imperativos formales e informales.
                               (El instructor devolverá la composición 3 corregida con la primera nota).
Miércoles 10          Subjuntivo de persuación (Lengua pp. 126).
Jueves 11              Entregar al instructor la composición 3 reescrita.
                             Repaso del subjuntivo de persuación.
Viernes 12                Spanish Day: NO HAY CLASES.


Lunes 15                Vocabulario de la lección 5
Martes 16               Repaso de los pronombres relativos.
                              Repaso del vocabulario de la lección 5.
                                 (Ejercicio en clase para preparar la composición 4).
                                 (El instructor devolverá la composición 3 corregida con la segunda nota).
Miércoles 17            Subjuntivos de duda y de emoción (Lengua pp. 159-161).
Jueves 18                Entregar al instructor la composición 4.
Viernes 19               Expresiones con doble negativo (Lengua pp. 149-151).


Lunes 22                  Vocabulario de la lección 6.
Martes 23                 Repaso del vocabulario de la lección 6.
                               Repaso de las expresiones con doble negativo y del presente perfecto del indicativo.
                                   (El instructor devolverá la composición 4 corregida con la primera nota).
Miércoles 24              Presente perfecto del subjuntivo (Lengua pp. 181) & Subjuntivo hipotético cláusulas adjetivales (Lengua pp. 186-188).
Jueves 25                  Entregar al instructor la composición 4 reescrita.
                                   Repaso del presente perfecto del subjuntivo y del subjuntivo hipotético en cláusulas adjetivales.
Viernes 26                 Repaso para el Examen II.
Lunes 29                    Examen II.


Master class readings, from Mar. 31-Apr. 12:
"Pal. Y conc.: art. Sobre los judíos sefardíes" (Cultura pp. 153-157).
"Mexicoamericanos: su historia y una exp. pers. (Cultura pp. 172-181).

Practice session readings, from Mar.30-Apr.13:
"Rosamunda" (Literatura pp. 106-118).
"La caja de plomo..." (Literatura pp. 168-179).


Martes 30                    Vocabulario de la lección 7
                                     (Ejercicio para preparar la composición 5).
                                     (El instructor entregará la composición 4 corregida con la segunda nota).
Miércoles 31                Repaso del pretérito (Lengua p. 201).


Jueves 1                       Entregar al instructor la composición 5.
                                    Repaso del pretérito.
Viernes 2                         Repaso de los usos del subjuntivo (Lengua p. 205).
                                    Pasado del subjuntivo (Lengua pp. 207-209).
Lunes 5                         Repaso del futuro y del condicional (Instructor's handout).
Martes 6                        Repaso de los usos del subjuntivo y del pasado del subjuntivo.
                                        (El instructor devolverá la composición 5 corregida con la primera nota).
Miércoles 7                        Usos del subjuntivo o indicativo en cláusulas adverbiales (Lengua pp. 212-214- 216).


Jueves 8                             Entregar al instructor la composición 5 reescrita.
                                       Vocabulario de la lección 8.
                                       Repaso de los usos del subjuntivo o indicativo en cláusulas adverbiales.
Viernes 9                         El subjuntivo en cláusulas adverbiales (Lengua pp. 232).
                                       Repaso del vocabulario de la lección 8.
Lunes 12                          "Por" y "Para" (Lengua pp. 237-239).
                                       "A" y "En" (Lengua pp. 273-275).
                                       "Se" para sentimientos profundos y procesos (Lengua pp. 244-245).
Martes 13                         Repaso del subjuntivo en cláusulas adverbiales.
                                        Repaso de "Por" y "Para"; "A" y "En".
                                           Repaso de "Se" para sentimientos profundos y procesos.
                                        Repaso para el Examen III
                                           (El instructor devolverá la composición 5 corregida con la segunda nota.
Miércoles 14                      Examen III


Master class readings, from Apr.16-Apr.23:
"Las drogas en el mundo hispano" (Cultura pp. 206-211).

Practice session readings, from Apr.15-Apr.22:
The instructor will choose one of the following:
"Llegaron los hippies" (Literatura pp. 188-200).
"El delantal blanco" (Literatura pp. 126-144).


Jueves 15                          Vocabulario de la lección 10.
                                        Ejercicio para preparar la composición 6.
                                            (El instructor entregará y explicará la guía para el examen final oral).
                                            (Los estudiantes deberán firmar para apartar su lugar en alguno de los horarios alternativos proporcionados por el instructor, entre el lunes
                                            19 de abril y el viernes 23 de abril.
Viernes 16                          Repaso del subjuntivo (Lengua pp. 248-249).
Lunes 19                            Las comparaciones de igualdad y desigualdad y sus irregulares (Lengua pp. 301- 304).
                                         Las comparaciones superlativas (Lengua pp. 304-305).
Martes 20                           Repaso de las comparaciones de igualdad y desigualdad y de sus irregularidades.
                                          Repaso de las comparaciones superlativas.
                                             (Entregar al instructor la composición 6)
                                             Teacher's Evaluation.
Miércoles 21                        "Si" condicional + presente + presente (instructor's hand-out).
                                              "Si" condicional + pasado del subjuntivo + condicional (instructor's hand-out).
Jueves 22                             Repaso de las cláusulas condicionales (ver lunes 30) (instructor's hand-out).
                                              (El instuctor devolverá la composición 6 corregida con la primera nota).
 ¡OJO!                                 El martes 27 de abril (o antes de ser posible), todos los estudiantes deberán dejar en el buzón de sus instructores de martes y jueves la
                                              composición 6 reescrita.
Viernes 23                               Último día de clases.
                                           Repaso general para el examen final.
                                              (Teacher's evaluation)
Martes 27                                Último día para dejar en el buzón de los instructores de martes y jueves la composición 6 reescrita (Ya no hay clases).
Jueves 29                                3:30-5:30 p.m., EXAMEN FINAL (classroom to be announced).
                                              (Este día el instructor de martes y jueves devolverá la composición 6 corregida con la segunda nota).