Essay Evaluation and Score Sheet



Introduction, Summary, Historicity, Biography


Excellent-Very good

has fully anticipated reader needs in organizing and presenting information/summary; clear thesis, flow of ideas fluid and logical; Identified historicity and biography of author in a fluid fashion




has anticipated most reader needs in organizing and presenting information; main ideas stand out, but sequencing of ideas sometimes choppy or disconnected; summary not well developed, reader may sometimes have difficulty following flow of ideas, historicity and biography need a bit of work




has anticipated few reader needs in organizing and presenting information; ideas frequently confused and/or disconnected, with logical breakdowns apparent; problems with summary, reader frequently has difficulty ‘getting the point” of message as communicated, historicity and biography of author confused or need of development



Needs a lot of work

logical organization absent




Analysis, Topic, Format


Excellent-Very good

language choices appropriate for the topic; excellent use of idioms and literary vocabulary and precise, colorful vocabulary; little or no evidence of English interference, topic and format well identified, examples used of primary text to illustrate argument




language choices usually appropriate for topic; vocabulary accurate but may be somewhat limited; some errors or interference may be present but meaning rarely obscured. Topic and format mentioned but not developed, limited use of literary vocabulary, examples used of primary text to illustrate argument




language sometimes inappropriate for topic; vocabulary very limited, with overuse of imprecise, vague terms; English interference present particularly with respect to idioms; meaning often confused or obscured, literary vocabulary not used with precision, examples of primary texts are absent or few



Needs a lot of work

language choices often inappropriate for topic, range of vocabulary extremely limited; English interference frequent, little or not use of literary terms, examples of primary text absent or few






Excellent-Very good

wide range of structures with few or no significant errors; sophisticated style; all assigned structures present and used correctly. Essay format observed at all times




adequate range of structures, but little variety; tends to overuse simple constructions; some significant errors, but meaning seldom obscure; only some assigned structures present and/or used with partial success. Essay format observed




limited range of structures with control of grammar uncertain; frequent errors, especially when more complex constructions attempted; meaning often confused or obscured; most assigned structures absent and/or used incorrectly. Essay format not well developed



Needs a lot of work

frequent and persistent errors of basic grammar and sentence construction; meaning blocked as text dominated by errors; assigned structures absent. Hard to see the essay format




                                                                                              TOTAL (out of 100)